XYZParaGear is made from fly our passion  :)  The first models were made for personal use, friends, flight community, and for sharing in the community at reasonable prices.
   Products are not made as commercial and for this reason, it is not possible to pay every day to improve the model and final products.

All products are made primarily in 3d printing technology, and some product have and metal part or other material.

For metal part We are take care about magnetic value, and we are use non-magnetic metal or non-permanent magnetic material with small magnetic value, on the all product where it is


For Color schematic of Us product We are choice color with best visual effect in the air (red, orange and light green).

If you are in the some special case release or fail you command from hand, the color of the handle can be crucial in recapturing the command and back it in the your hand.

Why we are in the 2018 start with multi-color print of all handle product (Globe, 2Finger and Acro)?

With different color for left and right command it will be a smaller chance to put left command in the right hand or opposite special when you are on the back (forward) take off position ....

Why We are decide to work with PLA and ASA filament?

We are decide to use PLA for most product witch in the Us production line I mean all product which are integrated direct to the glider. That material have excellent strength, it is bio-degradable and have good color resistance on the UV factor and a little bit smaller temperature resistance on then 50°C or more for one or more hour can be a little bit melt but from other side IT IS NOT TOO SMART to put your glider on that temperature :)

ASA filament it is use on the LineCutter. ASA have a much better UV color resistance,  much better temperature resistance, a little bit smaller strength  and it is not bio-degradable :(

Due testing we are have only one small melt deformation on the product LineCutter material was a PLA, and it was Us mistake :( We are forgot him on the car in the instrument table in the direct sun for 4 hours. It was not 100% damaged We are fix problem :)

Now I wish to say: We will replace all deformed product if anyone have a problem :)

All product in the shop are tested in the real flight condition, and for now We are sale product to: France, Netherlands, Switzerland, United States, Serbia, Portugal, Macedonia, Thailand, Bosnia, United Arab Emirates ...

3D printing technology as well as our idea of producing paragliding equipment is very young, and We are ready to listen to all of your thinking and make an even better product in the future. For that think please write Us mail to: shop@xyzparagear.com

For some products may We need additional information which is not possible to predict in the form and pre-sale procedure like a new size in the 3D modeling and success print.

In that case and in the first work day We can contact you via e-mail (which one you are write in the order form PayPal page) to send Us a new detail about your equipment. :)

For produce some product like: Key Pendant, Line Cutter (Special Edition), Compe commander etc. on the order form in the text box like (Number description / You must provide information about number of product with same parameter etc. if you need five pendent with different text  you must note Us “2 x paragliding instructor; 1x paragliding passenger; 2x paragliding tandem pilot”) or (Compe Commander, if you glider is not on the list, you must measure your riser and note to Us “Thickness 5mm, Width 15mm”) etc. see size table description


When paying with PayPal, the PAID PRICE label includes a 4.4% PayPal fee plus a 0.30 euro fixed fee.
Our website paid prices do not include fees from resellers, if purchased through their portal.
SHIPMENT COST :) No extra added fee.

Payment from our website is via PayPal.com and order via INVOICE and pay via TRADITIONAL BANK TRANSFER.

Is it  possibile to CHANGE order? Yes it is possible,

    if you order -> pay product and you are see that you are make mistake in the color or size section you have 12 hour, or up to the production time.To make change of that option by sending e-mail to Us on the e-mail shop@xyzparagear.com

Is it also possible to CANCEL you order? Yes it is,

and in that case We will back you 80% of base product price. That you can do only in the 12h after you order -> pay. And again send Us e-mail to: shop@xyzparagear.com

Production time?

Because a lot of different on the manufacture of para-glider and very small series we make product after your order. In the description of all each product We are write a usually time to produce and shipment. 3D printing technology request some time to prepare, print and after print process.

   Shipment time?

We will do Us the best to be shipped on the shortest possible time. We will inform you via e-mail when your product are shipment to you :)


We are small team (for now) and we have a soul :) Non production time will be published on the Us home page in the section INFO and on the Us official FB pabe.